Friday, October 19, 2012

Baby White Week 36

Hello from the land of the super-prego.

This week I ran out of my heartburn medicine. I thought I'd try going without it to see if I still needed it.
Research shows: I do.

After waking up several nights in a row either coughing from bile or just having esophageal pain, I decided it was time to buy some more. I'm very thankful for pharmaceuticals. I tried Tums and milk, and neither helped. Generic Prevacid does :)

My sleep has improved overall. Not as much insomnia. Most nights I'm tired by 9. But I can push through if need be.

This week I think Sophie is dropping lower. I had some episodes where I was in quite a bit of discomfort, but I don't think it was contractions. Mostly because it was only the lower half of my uterus and it didn't seem to make my whole belly hard or anything. But it feels like she is punching my bladder. It makes me stop what I'm doing, that's for sure. I was thinking perhaps she was engaging in my pelvis, but I think she's probably still moving around too much to be locked and loaded :)

I had my last shower this week. My co-workers threw a lovely cake and punch affair during our lunch time Wednesday. I'm still surprised at how generous people are, even when they don't really know you that well. We have gotten like over 800 wipes and almost 550 diapers. I'm keeping a tab of sorts and we've probably gotten between $2500 and $3000 worth of gifts. Crazy! We are very blessed.

I'm probably waddling just a tad these days. I don't really notice it, but I think some others have. I saw a prego in the hall at work who probably swayed a foot side to side with each step. She looked like she had a stick up her behind the way her butt was tucked in but her legs wide apart. It was pretty dramatic. I know my stride has slowed, that's for sure. I took the dogs for a 30 minute walk this week and I was pretty tired after. I think my Zumba days are over. Just walking for this momma from here til the end.

My lower back is starting to ache more. Not every day, but some. I think the chiropractor and a massage therapist would do me some good, but I'm so close to the end I don't want to spend the money.

We are in the home stretch for sure. John said tonight "just think, in two weeks we could have a baby". Then he said he might throw up. Lol. I did go ahead and get the baby's bag packed and our suitcase probably 2/3 packed. Some things I can't have packed away for weeks, so they'll have to get thrown in last minute. I have our birth plan and call lists done and packed. I even went ahead and made an "emergency birth" kit for the car. Our Bradley book suggested it. It might be a bit overkill, but better have it and not need it then need it and not have it, I reckon. We are taking a 4 day trip next week (not too far from home) and possibly a 4 day trip the week before my due date (even closer to home), so I guess the kit would be good to have. Just in case.

Tomorrow we are going to exchange our duplicate or unnecessary gifts and get a couple minor things off our registry. I'm excited about that :) We also may try to get my baby box out of the attic. It has my going-home dress in it, and Sophia will probably wear it too (if it fits!).

We are trying for maternity pictures again this Sunday. It didn't work out last Sunday. A friend from our Bradley classes just put her maternity photos on Facebook and they are gorgeous! But then again, she's always looked like a model.

I have my 36 week appointment Tuesday. I get the Group B strep swab. Fun. But I'm anxious to see if Jenny can tell me if she's engaged or anything. If there's any changes or anything. Maybe guesstimate her weight? After this appointment we start weekly appointments!

I thought I'd be cute-sied up in my pic this week. We were supposed to go out tonight. But we didn't. So here's my makeup-less face and my "sweats". We were about to go for a walk in the neighborhood.

Oh- as you can see my belly button is still in. But a little part of it is starting to make it's way out!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the traveling. I wasn't allowed to do that, seeing as how I had had c-sections previously. So, when I was this far along, I had to stick close to home. :D No way was I having someone other than my M.D. deliver my baby! Ha! But seriously, with Abby I could've traveled, with Kenzie I was on bedrest the last two weeks and this time around I just didn't feel like going anywhere. And let me just tell you, traveling now with three kids in tow is a trip! We just went three hours away a few weekends ago and we looked at each other after that was over and swore we'd never do it again. Well, until the next time when we feel the need to go to Sam's Club. :D Enjoy these last remaining weeks. They will go slow, but also zip past. Savor your sleep while it lasts. And go on a date or two with the hubby. Praying for you and wishing you all the best! Can't wait to see this little bundle!


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