Life with Sophia is so much fun. John and I love watching this little human learn the world.
Life with Sophia is also tiring. There's a lot of things to teach and protect a little human from when they're learning the world.
Right now Sophia is learning to sing. It's so cute. The three songs she tries to sing mostly are "ABC's" "Twinkle Twinkle" and "My God is so Big," a song they sing in her Sunday School class.
She's also a bit of a daredevil. She loves to swim and often wants "down" while in the pool or ocean. Today we took her in the bay where the water is calm, and she had no problem walking away from me right into the water, all the way up to her chin and often past that. She is not happy to be in her baby float either, she wants full use of her arms to splash and move, and that ring around her just gets in the way!
I tried a Puddle Jumper on her, but she is still a little too small for that. She couldn't really move her arms at all and just stood in the living room crying.
Sophia is pretty good at walking, and can even do small stairs. She still needs a hand to hold on bigger steps. She's pretty good at walking in the sand and in the water. She still can't make the whole way to the ocean alone, it's too tiring. She can walk pretty fast, but still isn't full on running yet.
We had our first ER visit this quarter. Sophia was throwing a tantrum in the store, and apparently when I took her hand and tried to get her to stand up, her radius popped out of the socket. Unfortunately for her I didn't realize this for about 2 hours. Thankfully the hospital I work at has about a zero wait most of the time, so we were seen quickly. After triage, getting to a room, and then the nurse assessment, she started acting totally fine and using her arm again. The PA told us about Nursemaid's Elbow and how it probably reduced on it's own. Apparently it's pretty easy to reduce manually also. So two days later when it happened again at home (while trying to put on the blasted Puddle Jumper) I reduced it myself. And now we are very careful with Sophia's arms. :)
Did you catch above that she hurt her arm during a tantrum? Yeah, she's got a quick temper. Fortunately I read that is pretty common. She will scream and cry at the drop of a hat over the most random things. At home I just ignore it. In public it's not so fun. I know I'm supposed to keep my cool, but that's very hard. I try to play the distraction game without giving in to the fit. Tantrums are neither of our finest moments.
The amount of information this kid takes in everyday is amazing. Literally she learns a new word every day. She's quite the mockingbird. I decided to keep track for the last 2 months of all the words she uses or repeats easily, and the total as of June 1st is 190. And since my mom didn't believe me I'll list them all
:) And I didn't count twice for phrases that involve the same word in more than one.
Names: Mama, Papa, Mimi, MawMaw, Grammy, Hali, Jeff, Ben, Coco, Eby, Ernie (she says his name again now!), Sophie, Madison, Dora, Dale, Emma, Mike, Connor, George, Graycie, Tonya, Jesus.
Numbers/Colors: One, two, three, yellow. And she will count 123 on her own.
Commands: Please, thank you, you're welcome, up, down, come, hush, ok, yay, uh-oh, byebye, hi, hey, hello, no, ok, careful, night-night, off, clean up.
Foods: Cracker, cookie, apple, nana, milk, juice, water, chicken, bacon, baba, broccoli, yogurt, ice, egg, cheese, breakfast, bite, orange, coffee, mango, pepper, potato, candy.
Animals: Puppy, doggy, ruff-ruff, bird, owl, monkey, bunny, rabbit, froggy, zebra, bug, snail, lion, giraffe, turtle, kitty-cat.
Clothes: Socks, shoes, boots, diaper, paci, dress, hat, necklace, earrings, pants, glasses.
Body parts: Nose, toes, button, feet, booboo, hair, teeth, fingers, eye, ears, arms, legs, hands (and she can point to all of these).
General: Fire, poo-poo, Amen, pretty, hot, cold, what, book, raining, phone, baby, ball, bath, shower, outside, coming, sunshine, light, chair, medicine, mail, car, truck, airplane, carseat, seatbelt, flowers, bubbles, home, nice, window, door, pillow, slide, awesome, bucket, toys, strong, box, blanket, tv, bed.
Phrases: Come mama, I see you, I love you, I love (papa/mama etc), I know, what's this, Hi (baby/mama etc), no ok, bless you, touch it, have it, good girl, good boy, good morning, careful (Eby/baby etc), hi five, oh yeah, oh boy, big girl, I sorry, excuse me, happy day, I got it, where are you (Sophia/mama/papa etc), I got your phone.
So yes, she's a bit of a talker :) Lucky for me it doesn't really matter that I did not teach her baby sign language, because she caught on to talking pretty fast. We almost always know what she wants. Along with knowing more actual words, she also talks a fair amount of babble. It's cute :)
And finally, Sophia's favorite things list: being outside, sitting in adult chairs or kid sized replicas, candy, opening mail, pointing out airplanes, climbing around in the car, pushing the doll stroller and playing in the water.
Happy 1.5 years baby girl. Here's to many more.