Friday, April 24, 2015

(Road)Trippin'...Trip Trip Trip Trippin'

So I've been on two big trips recently! In March John and I went to Peru to visit friends, and it was also our fifth anniversary when we were there.

John put out a "ridiculous" wish on Facebook for a trip to see his missionary friends there, and his dad and grandma granted his wish! It was so super generous of them!
It was a long 17 hours of traveling to get there, but it was nice to be together.

The tourist trap market

Vince keeps a few "pets" including 3 small alligators!

The guys going off to work on the jungle property building a home for Vince and Megan

And the girls going off to the local resort pool :)

Dinner out then walking around one of the many plazas in the city

Cindy and John- people doing great work for the Lord

A Catholic cathedral in the plaza. The lights change colors.

At the zoo. One ugly monkey.

A pretty Mink

The trick porpoise

A day at the zoo/park

Church on the Mortimer's property

The whole family except Melissa got cutoff!

Motorbikes and Motorcars are 99% of the transportation

A Sunday afternoon river ride

Tributary of the Amazon

The Iquitos Hunting and Fishing Club

Holding a sloth at the Serpentarium on the river

John with the sloth

A Macaw!

A Night Monkey. So so sweet and cuddly!

John harassing the night monkey

Baby alligator

World's ugliest turtle- the Leaf Turtle

Mostly one way streets to keep the traffic safer since there aren't really any traffic "laws"

A squatter's village
We had an awesome time. We did a lot of cool things, but for me my favorite part was probably spending a lot of time talking to the missionaries and hearing all their touching amazing miraculous stories over 40 years of mission work both in Mexico and Peru. Man have they trusted God! They have done some really scary things and been extremely flexible. God has provided for them and done such wonderful works!

Then about six weeks later Sophia and I drove to Maryland to visit my mom and do some sightseeing around the greater DC area. It took two days of driving. That part was kinda tough. Thankfully we flew home. But I got to see a lot of really cool metro areas and really beautiful natural scenery...and a lot of historic architecture. I hope to return someday without kids so we can really delve in deeply to the ton of things the area has to offer.

Driving Day 1

Hotel Night 1

Driving Day 2. Thank God for the DVD player and Curious George

Then we got there and Mimi drove us instead!

With Mimi at last!!!!
We are chocolate

And took strolls

Crossed over the Potomac lots of times

Figured out the Metro

Got served chilled coffee

Played on sculptural merry-go-rounds in the "Innah Hahbah"

Even mom

Perused the National Aquarium

They have a HUGE sea turtle

Little eyes and hands in wonder at the anemones

So happy to take a picture. Ha!

Found some play mates

But mom's the best one
Had a lovely time at the local park

With Mimi

Gave mom an arm workout

Watched a seal show at the National Zoo

Looked at elephants while eating popcorn

Saw birds

Sat on the brass panda

With Mimi too

Got a cool hat

Loved the zoo carousel for 2 or 3 trips

Picked the giraffe even though it was stationary

Switched to the moving horse for round 2
Had the most delicious cupcakes. Not just hype!

Because I just had to take a pic

Bureau of Engraving and Printing

Tidal Basin. All the cherry blossoms had dropped :(

First Mate Sophie

Sad excuse for a selfie

Saw the monument from almost everywhere we went

Dept of Agriculture

Grave of JFK, Jacque O and 2 children

Lee House overlooking Arlington National Cemetary

Maybe my grandma's relative?

Of course the White House. Which looks small in comparison to the other grand architecture around.

Sniffing flowers

Hanging on the barricades at the White House