Friday, April 4, 2014

I'm still alive

Have I really gone 6 weeks without an update? So much has been going on. Namely, I’ve been working

full time hours and trying to maintain a household. That keeps me quite busy. Not to say there haven’t

been moments where I could have squeezed in a blog post, it’s just that lately I find myself preferring to

do other things. Things like reading blogs instead of writing them, surfing Facebook, crafting, watching

television or cleaning.

Speaking of crafting, these are some of the things I’ve been up to lately:

I made two pairs of ruffle pants, and then my friend appliqued coordinating shirts:

I made a neck tie for John to coordinate with our Easter outfits:

So I’ve gotten lots of sewing practice in. I’m nowhere near a seamstress, but I’m also nowhere near as

rusty as I was. We won’t talk about how many times I had to seam-rip, adjust, and rig the pants.

I made a quick wreath for our door for Easter:

We also won’t talk about how the tutorial I read should have mentioned painting or in some way

covering the cardboard ring you cut out as the base, as there is no way to hide it completely using only

one size egg. Or what is the best way to lay out the eggs so that your wreath looks somewhat uniform.

No, we won’t mention that.

As for the watching television that takes up blogging time:

Have you guys seen this show? I love it! My mom led me to it on Netflix. I enjoy British dramas and I also immensely enjoy midwifery culture. It’s glamorous to me.

So after I was all caught up on that series I figured I might as well take the plunge on Downton Abbey.

I’ve only gotten to the end of season 3. I hated the end of season 3 BTW [Oh and if you want to watch

online, the only place I found it is Amazon (1st 3 seasons free with Prime)].

I’ve also gotten in 2 trips to the beach. Both days it was still really a bit overcast and cool. I am SO over

this extended winter. Highs in the 60’s is not what Florida people want in April. We have had just a few

days the temp got above 75, and even fewer where it was 75, calm, and sunny. Boo! How am I going to

be tan for Easter?

Thankfully Sophia seems to enjoy the beach. The first time we went this year and I sat her in the sand,

she didn’t move for probably 5 minutes. It was a very foreign feeling to her I guess. It was funny. But

now she’s up and moving, although she crawls a lot more at the beach than anywhere else. Easier on

her given the terrain. She never crawls at home.

We had her 16 month (15 month but late) checkup recently. She’s still in the 90th+ percentile in all areas.

She is up to about 65 words now and has a few 2 and 3 word phrases. She is in to climbing. She will

climb onto the kitchen table and the bathroom counters if she gets a chance. We are working on letting

her know the table is not allowed and for the bathroom we just keep the door closed. I do let her climb

onto furniture and into chairs. She also really likes to stand on a chair by the counter in the kitchen and

watch me cook or do dishes. Basically, she is very into being as adult as possible. Thankfully she is also

still into being rocked before naps and bed. I very much cherish those times.

She is keeping wings on our feet and smiles on our faces. And maybe bags under our eyes, ha!

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