Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The times, they are a changin'

So the first of many life changes is this:

I'm starting a new job! It's kinda bittersweet as I've gotten settled in where I am after four years.
But, we are finally able to let me work a little less.

So, I will now be working as a hospital case manager on an "as needed" (PRN) basis. For now the need is 3 days a week and one weekend a month. It will still be 8 to 5.

I'm excited for the change. I'll be gaining experience in an area that's more marketable and better understood. My current role is kind of a niche market. The only way for advancement where I currently am is to relocate to Tallahassee.

Not that I'm particularly looking to advance in the traditional way. I have so many tell me how well I could do in certain things. The only problem is, all the things mean having a career. Like a full-time one. To be honest, I just want a job that I like and that likes me. And pays well of course :)

I would instead be happier to "advance" to the role of full time domestic engineer extraordinaire. But, this is certainly a step in the right direction.

I'll start the new job mid-April. I hope I'm able to catch on to everything fast!


  1. Yay! Congratulations! I know you've been hoping for a change for awhile and I am sure you will do great. Good for you!


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