Saturday, July 21, 2012

Baby White Week 23- What's in a name?

Hi everyone!

I'm writing to ya'll from the comfort of my glider :) I also just got back from visiting a beautiful new momma friend and her little 4-day old nugget Lily. Lily attended her first girl's night since about 6 ladies came over to talk and eat. Lily slept through most of it :)

I learned a lesson this week: you should not eat Pizza Hut buffet when pregnant. Even if it sounds good. It is really bad for you and it will come back to haunt you. Little girl white also did not move around for awhile. I think I took up all her space with food. And then when I went to bed there wasn't enough space for both of them. Thank you pepperoni-induced heartburn.

I think I've also reached the point that I'm going to feel like I have a full bladder all the time. Because I feel full, and then produce very little. Graphic I know. It's really not the most fun feeling, to go to the bathroom and then immediately feel like you have to go again.

We took our hospital tour/orientation this week. I liked touring everything, but thought the class would be mostly about the hospital policies, what to expect in the routines, etc. Instead it was more about pregnancy do's and dont's, the classes and services they have available etc. But they did have life size weighted replicas of babies there- and it was fun to hold the 20 week one since that's what I'm close to. It's no wonder my bladder feels full. That little one is taking up a lot of space already.

I had a moment of surrealism when we toured the labor/delivery room. It kinda was like- whoa- this is where it all goes down. When I leave this room there will be another human being with me. In this room another living person will come out of me. Whoa. But I tried to talk myself down from any fears since I know fear will only hinder things when delivery time comes. We did get to see the big huge tub. Two of their rooms have them. You can't birth in them though- they are just for relaxation.

I should be really transparent- now that I can look back and laugh, and let you all know that I had a meltdown in the class. I rushed home from work, changed clothes, and we were off. I hadn't eaten for about 5.5 hours and I was starving. We stopped to get some food and they were taking so long we had to leave before we even ordered. Then I realized it was like 10 minutes later than the car clock said because John's car clock is slow and we can't change it. So we were running late. And then John needed directions to the hospital, he almost missed a turn, and I was really feeling impatient (I don't like being late to that kind of stuff) and very hungry. In fact I already felt tear-y in the car. We got to class and THANK THE LORD they had some snacks there. However, John was already upset with me due to my impatient and short attitude. I tried to explain I was really hungry and that was why I was being short. But since that was not his fault he didn't understand why I would be short with him.

Anyway, about ten minutes into class, after eating a snack, I wrote him a note telling him how bad I had been feeling because of not eating. And then I started crying. Right there in class. After I got food. Thankfully we were in the back and I managed to get to the bathroom- which seemed like it was a mile away- and have a big ol fashioned boo-hoo in private. I think only about 4 people saw me. But the janitor did ask if I was ok as I hauled booty past him into the bathrooms. All I could do was nod so as not to further the tears. Pretty embarrassing.

But anyway, since I titled this post with a bit of a lead-in, I better deliver. Pun intended.

Yes, we have chosen a name. It kinda come up over the course of a few days. We narrowed it down to two, and then I let John pick between those.

In November we will welcome:

Sophia Abigail

Yes, it will be ok to call her Sophie :) The first name actually came to us while watching a movie. One of the characters was Sophia, and we both thought it sounded pretty. The middle name came from our list of Biblical girl names we liked, and it flowed well with Sophia.

Sophia means wisdom. John has always prayed specifically for wisdom, so he thought it was a very fitting name.
Abigail means "joy of the father". Do I even need to say why this is so meaningful and appropriate? So sweet!
Also, Abigail in the Bible is described as being a beautiful and wise woman. She was the wife of a foolish husband, Nabal, who spurned David and would not share provisions with him. Abigail sent provisions herself to David, and later she became King David's wife. So in the bible she is associated with provision.
1 Samuel 25 if you want to read the whole story.

So, our little girl won't be named anything I ever thought of as a young single girl :) But it is something pretty and meaningful just the same :)

And here's how huge I am this week. I didn't weigh- and I'm thinking maybe I'll just save weigh-ins for my midwife visits.
And this week the puppy dogs joined me
How can you not love them?

They never look happy in photos- but I swear they are!
I also have some general updating to do- but I'll save that for another post sometime this weekend.


  1. LOVE the name! Congrats on a GIRL!!!

  2. <3 your baby girl's name! Yay for prego hormones. Not. :-P

  3. Emotions will settle down eventually. I've cried just about everywhere, so there's no shame in it. :) I love the name the two of you have chosen. So pretty. And what can I say? We're partial to "Abigail" too. :)


Feel free to show some love and ask questions!