Thursday, August 19, 2010


So working and running up to the hospital each night is keeping me pretty busy. And taking the car to the shop, and running John his car keys, and rounding up Eby (She has gotten out 5 times and is now banished to the kennel) all while living out of a suitcase at my grandma's house. I feel so displaced when we pack up and go away. It really wreaks havoc on our eating too. But at least we'll save on groceries this month since we're eating out of her fridge.
Some going away I wouldn't mind doing- a vacation. Just wanna get away from the rat race alone with my hubby. Everyday I dream about being able to quit working. I am pretty sure I'll be dreaming that dream for a long time. In real dreams- I dreamed the other night that my old youth pastor was an obstetrician and told me I was pregnant. Lol. Too funny.
Plug- we ate the traditional "bone-in" wings the other night at Buffalo Wild Wings. They were so yummy! On Tuesdays they're half-price! I don't recommend the breaded boneless ones though. They are icky to both John and I.
Nothing else interesting or new this week :)

1 comment:

  1. eating outside of your own kitchen is a tough one! i sympathize. i have 2 weekends away in september that im very excited about -except dreading the food decisions.

    love your blog sister. i use it to peek into your lives. hugs--hw may i suggest 2nights in a hotel somewhere even one town away. get some alone time. hugs-hw


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