Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I will be thankful

Today I am thankful for:

1- The saving grace of Jesus Christ. It is from Him that all my other blessings come.
2- My wonderful husband and the blessing of being married. It is the greatest gift I have ever received, by far.
3- My family both far and near, new and old. Now I'm blessed with even more people to call this :)
4- My job- When so many do not have one, I am blessed to have one that I like and that is fulfilling. I have good hours and it's usually not stressful. I meet a lot of unique people and am privy to some interesting situations. And at times I can be the bright spot in someone's day or help them to understand some very confusing things.
5- My church- Even though there have been many changes throughout the years, I still don't feel like any other place is "home."
6- My friends- Many have come and gone through the years, and the amount may dwindle as I get older, but I'm blessed to always have some girlfriends to lean on and talk to. It's also fun getting to make friends with other couples now.
7- My dogs- Even though my first one passed away this year, the Lord appointed 2 new canines into our lives that we really get a lot of joy from. Frustration at times too, but they are truly our "substitute" children for now.
8- Blogging- I have really enjoyed my foray into this new world. Keeping up with the lives of random strangers and old friends and acquaintances has brought me satisfaction, tears and smiles.
9- Dave Ramsey- We are faithfully working the plan and will be debt free soon. Cannot wait for this! If not for him I would have likely been "normal" my whole life.
10- eBay- So very useful and profitable to us for both buying and selling.

Now, you write one too. This is especially useful when thinking about all the stress or possibly even depression during the holidays.
Wishing you a peaceful enjoyable time with friends or family this Thanksgiving.

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