Friday, June 25, 2010

More food news :)

Last night i made a chicken pot pie. Only in a casserole dish :) It was yummy. There is something so satisfying about slaving over a meal that ends up looking and tasting good :)

Per request I am going to blog 3 recipes soon.
Plan now includes drinking 96oz H2O and 12 minutes of cardio. I still feel a little like a human sieve :) Doing well- still not feeling deprived. But also, still not feeling like I've lost a lot of weight. Anxious to get on the scale. But I must remind myself- even if I've only lost 3 lbs and keep it off and do the same each month, that will be 36lbs in a year. It's a marathon, not a sprint. I'm just impatient.

Next week will be a challenge, as i will start to cook extra to prepare for youth conference week. John will be busy day and night and I'll work during the day and be at church at night. I hope to have everything apportioned out and sitting in the fridge ready to consume :)

I had a little fun with leftover phyllo :)

This is about 3/4 of the water I'm supposed to drink everyday. It's a nice container though. It has a freezable core and a straw :)

Ttfn bloggy buddies!

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