Wednesday, April 13, 2011

SWW 04-13-11

As always, this theme brought to you by Shannon
Head on over and link up!

So what if I...

  • Have had to call customer service three times to try and get the Internet working on my phone. I love this new phone so much more than the old one that it's worth it. But having to wait 4 hours between each reset to see if it will work is not fun.
  • Have spoken to many foreign lands on my phone adventure. But "Jorge" swears what he did this time will work. We'll 4 hours :)
  • Eating my lunch outside in the sun made me sleepy. Isn't getting out of the office for sunshine and fresh air supposed to wake you up?
  • Always have something I need to take to a thrift store to donate. But I wait til it builds up a little to make a run. Always purging is good, right?
  • Put off balancing my checkbook to blog first
  • It seems like babies and pregnant women surround me everywhere. Blogs, church, Facebook. I guess I'm just at that age. But I'm not joining the club yet.
  • Thought I might be joining the club, then realized I had never stopped my birth control after 3 weeks. So THAT was the reason "the monthly visitor" didn't come. Lol. Had to laugh at myself.
  • Am too tired to think of anything more fun or witty to say today. I told you lunch made me sleepy! Can I please have a nap now?


  1. thanks for stopping by my blog! i always wait until i have a large pile of stuff to take to goodwill too --- right now i have 4 boxes and a couple of bags, i think i might need to go soon :)

  2. Thanks for the comment! My mom has also been looking in the prom section, she is being REALLY picky.

  3. Jesse- that is quite a bit!

    Eileen- my mom was particular too! I thought we would never find it! (Since our budget was unlimited) but finally I actually found her one that she liked! It was really fun and matched our wedding colors. She got LOTS of compliments on it


Feel free to show some love and ask questions!