Sunday, March 6, 2011

Happy First Anniversary to my only love

Babe, I am posting this because I want everyone to know what you mean to me. They can endure enjoy the mushiness right along with you :)

It's hard to express in words how wonderful our life together has been so far. Many times I can only express it in tears. Thanks for always asking what my tears are for.

At bible study last Tuesday, Pastor Don reiterated the verse that speaks about how God knew us before we were formed in the womb. That everything was known before we took fleshly form. He knows our beginning from our end, and every detail between. For many years I wondered about the detail of who my husband would be. Thanks for ending the wondering and starting the wonder. The wonder of marriage is great. My heart has opened to a whole new kind of love, and it's because of the Lord blessing me with you. 

Some people told us "the first year of marriage is the best and the worst". They told us it would be tough, a big adjustment, and a lot of work. All of that has been true at times, but for me, it has been much more joy than pain. The best year, not the best and worst year. Thank you for being flexible and making it that way.

Thank you for helping me to understand God's love better. Marriage has made me feel a love greater than I've ever known. When I ponder that God's love for us is infinitely greater in comparison to this, my human mind cannot compute it. If my love for you brings me to tears, then what does his love bring Him to? To sending His son to die for us. Too great for words.

Thank you for opening your heart. I know before that you were not so inclined to be "mushy." To say "I Love You", even to family. I feel proud that I have brought that out in you. I love that you have increased it in me. I can't say for sure, but I don't think many other couples say "I Love You" as much as we do. And they all tell us we kiss too much :) Is there such a thing?

Thank you for providing. As a team, we've been able to accomplish goals I never could have accomplished so quickly alone. God has certainly blessed our efforts. Thank you for being wise with our money. I know our situation is still not exactly what we want, but I know you and I are taking steps towards that changing. I have faith that in God's timing it will. I respect your plans.

Thank you for growing. I know your desire to be a mature, Godly leader of our home. I know your heart has opened to becoming a father someday. I will be beaming when that day comes. Thank you for reading God's word and being in a men's small group. Thank you for your desire to be involved in a young marrieds group.

Thank you for smiling and laughing. Your genuine smile is one of the best things I can see. Your laughter does me good like a medicine. Your soft full lips are my delight. We wouldn't be "us" if we didn't smile and laugh together often. How would we make it through the sad, tough or awkward times? :)

When I think about even the possibility of being without you, I'm often brought to tears. I know we've discussed that God can get us through anything and we can only trust Him for everyday, but I also know it would be the hardest thing of my life if tragedy should strike. I thank God for our health. I thank you for working towards better health. I love to share walks and bike rides with you. I love the conversation we have as we stroll along at twilight.

Thank you for affirming me. I know you try hard to let me know that you find me beautiful even when I'm not happy with myself. I'm sorry sometimes it doesn't sink in. I'm grateful you accept me even now, a year after our wedding and several pounds later. I'm glad I'm still "your favorite."

I love that you are quick to help if I ask. I am learning that I do need to ask. I'm so fortunate that you like to cook, and that you're good at it. I know many women have all the responsibility of making meals. I appreciate your willingness to help with house work when I need it. I know it's not your favorite :) I especially enjoy only having to take out the garbage on rare occasions :)

I am touched and filled with pride when you are gracious. During your surgery and recovery you were so truly thankful to all the staff and nurses. You told me many times what good care I was giving you. It was my pleasure.

Thank you for waking up without complaint to kiss me goodbye each morning, and to call out again "I love you" as I walk out the door. It kinda makes it hard for me to leave the house, especially with you and our dogs snuggled up so sweetly. But don't stop.

Our life is not a fairy-tale. The toilet doesn't clean itself. Personal chefs don't cook our dinners. We don't vacation 4 times a year. But our life is still great, way better than most. We share a love and friendship that not everyone is so fortunate to have. In this world today, I feel so favored to have that. As so many are struggling, we are thriving. As so many are separating, our journey is just beginning. As so many feel hopeless, we look forward to our future.

A future that I am so privileged to share with you. May I always show you the love and respect that you deserve and that God commands me to. I will try to always remember that you are my husband second, and His child first.

To many more years together, with all my love.


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