Tuesday, October 22, 2013

31 Days of John Moments: Day 22

Linkup at The Nester blog
I'm all out of big moments that I can think of, but still plenty of little ones left.

Here's a few things lately that have made me proud of John.

He's been actively searching about a career change, looking at college programs and talking to people working in the field to see about pay and job stability.

He's been actively searching jobs to hold while he's in school.

He cleaned the kitchen tonight.

He's getting better at his rabbit sexing skills. I know, it's crazy that I'm proud he's getting better at determining a rabbit's gender. But it shows his skills are increasing.

I'll say again- he watches Little House on the Prairie and enjoys it :)

He makes tasty popcorn.

He didn't say anything when I pilfered his popcorn.

He likes the name Laura as an option since we both love LHOP. It could only be better if he'd like Aubrey too :)

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